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An image of a young woman in a black dress seated at a white desk, with folded hands and a meditative look, against a blue-green background of digital symbols and concises texts in white and light green on the subject Think On These Things.
An artistic image of the timeline for the Little While and the Day of the Lord on a purplish deep space background, a horizon view of Earth and concise relevant texts in various colors.

Transcendental Events on the World Stage
in the 21st Century

A screenshot of a composite PowerPoint image depicting the World Stage of the 21st century with blue, gray and red curtains, two views of planet Earth, storm clouds, and concise texts.

The above white text says…

Some social and moral agendas of the 21st century, very aggressive, insidious, and
generalized, push the beautiful blue planet Earth, with its 8 billion human beings, into the highly dangerous “LITTLE WHILE.” Steps applied to break their precipitous, deadly march slow them.

A screenshot of texts about common sense and logic on a gold-toned background.
A photograph of two men baptizing a woman by immersion and relevant texts on a multitoned gold background.

Number 4 of 6 in the series "Gods, goddesses, the secular nationsand the religious."

A screen shot of a multi-image, multi-text PowerPoint slide on Jesus Christ’s treatment of that Fox, king Herod Antipas.
Screen shot 1 of the text of the study on Jesus Christ’s treatment of king Herod Antipas whom he called THAT FOX.
Screen shot 1 of the text of the study on Jesus Christ’s treatment of king Herod Antipas whom he called THAT FOX.


“How do you explain Revelation 20:6? Why are they [the marrtyrs] resurrected to reign during the Millennium if the Second Coming is after the Millennium?” Joshua B.

Observations about true Christian martyrs and their relationship with the rest of the Christians. Some commentators are convinced that God makes no distinction whatsoever between Christians who have been killed because of their faith and all other Christians who have died “in the Lord” as a result of natural causes or accidents not specifically related to their faith.

1. They affirm that the vision of the Fifth Seal of Revelation (Revelation 6:9-11) includes all Christians who have died in the Lord, whatever the cause of their death might have been. I respectfully disagree, finding their interpretation of this Fifth Seal to be deficient and erroneous, one of the strong reasons being that we have already proven irrefutably in these studies (to be translated from the original Spanish version - ( to English) that the martyrs are the sole subject of this Seal. Since the martyrs are the particular, exclusive subject being presented, not all Christians figure in the apocalyptic picture of the Fifth Seal!

2. One of their arguments is that all the dead in Christ receive “white robes. Revelation 7:9. Agreed, but the martyrs “under the altar” (Revelation 6:9) receive theirs BEFORE the whole number of martyrs is completed during the “little while, as also BEFORE the Second Resurrection when the rest of the saved receive a new, glorified body, white robes, and the crown of immortality. Therefore, the Spirit of Prophecy makes a clear distinction in his revelations between the martyrs and the vast majority of Christians who are not martyrs, a distinction highlighted even in the bestowal of the “white robes.”

3. It is alleged that martyrdom is not a sacrifice greater than that of withstanding long years of arduous work and very hard trials in the church, life on earth coming to an end as a consequence of natural causes, accidents, or other circumstances unrelated to keeping the faith. I am strongly inclined to think such an opinion would be made only by the person who has not had to be “faithful, even to the point of death,(NIV) even to martyrdom. Revelation 2:10. That has not had to resist “even to the point of your blood. Hebrews 12:4. That has never been in true danger of being crucified, burned alive, torn apart and devoured by savage beasts, beheaded, thrust through with a sword, or tortured until expiring.

In my humble judgment, martyrdom is held to be, with overwhelming reason, the supreme sacrifice, the maximum trial of faith and commitment. Obviously, God recognizes it as such and rewards in special ways Christians who have paid with their lives for the conviction they have obstinately and courageously maintained.

I, personally, profoundly admire the true martyrs of Christ and applaud the special recognition, prizes, and honors the Sovereign God chooses to confer on them, including, granting them the grandiose privilege of reigning with his Son during the Millennium, as also that of passing the “little while” in the sacrosanct place identified as “under the altar” of God in Heaven. To me, it is inconceivable that the rest of the Christians would envy them for their special privileges, blessings, and honors.

All these considerations are vital to understanding the WHY of the reign of the true martyrs of Jesus Christ during the Millennium that precedes the Second Coming of Christ, for the Millennium is an age, a “thousand years,” when RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, with all its tremendous blessings, triumphs over the deeply evil, grievously painful, enormously cruel deaths of horrendous persecutions by apostate religions in diabolical cahoots with deceived secular, political authorities. The question would be: Why should the true martyrs of Christ not participate right up there in Heaven in such a powerful, beautiful REIGN?

The above paragraphs, with the exception of the last one, are a translation from Spanish to English of a portion of Chapter 3, Section 3, a rather exhaustive exposition in Spanish on the Fifth Seal. Plans are to translate the entire study, together with the rest of the Commentary on Revelation in Spanish not yet translated. HDS

A NATION gives itself a FANTASTIC
GIFT for 2025!

The most powerful NATION in the world in the third decade of the 21st century is in the process of giving itself a TREMENDOUS GIFT for the New Year 2025!

By rescuing four multifaceted statues of immense value from the Swamp of Bewilderment and once again setting them on their corresponding pedestals in principal government compounds. They are:

The statue of “True, Legitimate Liberty.

The statue of “Informed Common Sense.

The statue of “Logical, Sound Reasoning.

The statue of “Sensible, Pure Morality.

Thus does this nation very forcefully apply the BREAKS to its unthrottled, reckless, headlong race into the densest, most dangerous darkness of the fearful “LITTLE WHILE” that culminates in the disastrous, final destruction of all secular-political-earthly nations.

This magnificent gift was obtained thanks to the courage, unrelenting drive, and prolific, positive actions of the majority of the voting citizens of the nation in the elections of November 2024.

How long these four elegant statues that pulse with an internal luminous light, inspiring admiration, positiveness, confidence, and security, will remain in place depends on the measure of resolution, wisdom, unbribable rectitude, and persistent endeavor their protectors maintain.

Any nation or political-social entity can obtain a similar marvelous gift for itself by following the example of the United States of America.

Number 3 of 6 in the series "Gods, goddesses, the secular nationsand the religious."

Satan offers Jesus all the Kingdoms of the world.
Was his offer VALID?

A composite image that represents Jesus, back view, standing on a high overhang, Satan, as a shadowy, hooded figure beside him, both contemplating six artistic creations of city centers of the 1st century which represent the kingdoms of the world, entities Satan offers Jesus.

Below, the texts of the above image according to the sequence to be followed when reading them.

God, politics, governments of the world, and the religious.

The authority and limited powers granted by God to Satan allow him to exercise influence over politicians and secular governments.

“Again the DEVIL took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the KINGDOMS of the WORLD and their glory. And he said to him: ALL THESE I WILL GIVE YOU if you will fall down and worship me. Then Jesus said to him: Be gone, SATAN! For it is written: You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve.”  Mateo 4:8-10

​SATAN offers Jesus all the Kingdoms of the world. Was HIS offer VALID?

YES, because, if not, the temptation would be meaningless. How “VALID” if God is the one who has authority over ALL kingdoms?

Because GOD gives SATAN limited authority to function as the GOD of this WORLD” (2 Corinthians 4:4), as the RULER of this WORLD.” John 12:31. To influence politicians, judges, state employees, educators, the military, and citizens in general.

Each one determines how much darkness and how much light to receive in his or her inner self and how, when, and to what extent these powers manifest themselves. Neither politicians, rulers, or voters are accepted. Not even Jesus Christ himself!

If you find these subjects of value, please recommend this Internet site to your family, congregation, and acquaintances.

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An image of a flat map of the continents of earth on a background of shades of gold with a brief text superimposed regarding the Great Commission.

Gods, goddesses, the secular nations,
and the religious.

Which deity of those followed in the world today offers the most logical and practical explanation of his or her relationship with the governing entities and politically governed peoples of planet Earth?

Is it possible that Jehovah God and his son Jesus Christ are the ones? Just as they project themselves in the original, authentic Sacred Scriptures, unedited, of pure Christianity.

The Living God of pure Christianity, ruling entities, and the governed of the world

Number 1 of 6 in this series

There is NO AUTHORITY on EARTH except from the LIVING GOD in HEAVEN

A photograph of an image composed in PowerPoint, with a flat map of the world in vivid colors of red, brown, and red that serves as the background for concise texts and three small relevant images of the subject of Deities and secular nations.

Below, the texts of the above image according to the sequence to be followed when reading them.

“There is no authority except from God, and those that exist, have been instituted by God.” Romanos 13:1

He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings.” Daniel 2:21

“The Most High rules the kingdom of men, and gives it to whom he will.” Daniel 4:17

Given the authority conceded to Satan, stating that God solidly backs any particular politician may be considered a delicate, risky matter.

To establish, remove, set up, and govern kingdoms (nations, republics, states, provinces, counties, cities) of men IS NOT SYNONYMOUS with APPROVING the attributes, moral conduct, political beliefs, decisions, or actions of each and every ruler, be he king, president, chancellor, governor, senator, mayor, or any other category of ruler.

While it is true that the supreme authority over the political, secular rulers of all the Earth is exercised by God Himself, it is no less certain that he has ceded to Satan limited authority to interact with them.

The Dragon-Serpent-Satan has “power, a throne, and great authority,” which he gave to the First BEAST (the political, secular kingdoms of the earth). Also, to the Second BEAST (corrupt religious kingdoms). Revelation 13

Number 2 of 6 in this series

GOD, the Woman Clothed with the Sun, her SON who rules "ALL the NATIONS with a rod of iron," the "Great Red Dragon," and king Herod the Great

A photograph of a composite image with concise texts in colors around a painting in the center of a great red, seven-headed dragon in a threatening posture before a woman clothed in the sun with a crown of twelve stars, Herod the great looking on.

Below, the texts of the above image according to the sequence to be followed when reading them.

God, Politics, Governments of the World, and the Religious

The limited authority and powers conceded by God to Satan that allow him to exercise influence over politicians and secular governments.

The example of the Woman clothed with the sun, her Son, the Great Red Dragon, and King Herod the Great

“And a GREAT SIGN appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pains and the agony of giving birth. And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads seven diadems...  And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she bore her child, he might devour it.” Revelation 12:1-6

Is the woman the Virgin Mary? Negative. All attributes in Revelation 12 prove that she is the earthly people of Israel. Mary is presented in her role as the earthly mother of Jesus.

What do the 12 stars represent? The 12 tribes of the earthly people of Israel.

Who does the Great Red Dragon represent? Satan, the ancient serpent.

What do the seven heads and ten horns represent? Secular, worldly kingdoms, nations, and republics.

Who does the Dragon represent when he stands before the woman? King Herod the Great, who desired to kill the baby Jesus. Outwitted by the wise men, he ordered all children in Bethlehem and adjacent áreas to be killed, a prophecy of Jeremiah 31:15. Mateo 2:13-18

Did God authorize Herod to be king? Yes, by the Divine Provision that authorizes and permits all politicians and governments to function. But that PROVISION does NOT imply approval for all decisions or actions of anyone. The very same Provision is in effect TODAY. God approves the Good; never the Evil. He uses both Good and Evil according to his overriding purposes in nations and individuals.

The following is a 3 minute 15 second read.

Detailed prophetical SIGNS on the END of TIME and the MATERIAL UNIVERSE are one of the principal reasons the Sacred Scriptures of Pure Christianity stand out above those of other major religions of the world.


A collage of forty teachers, men and women, sitting and standing, of different races and nationalities, composed by Copilot AI.


After much study and meditation, personally, I would say that one of the FIVE MOST  IMPORTANT END-TIME SIGNS of those that reveal what will be happening around the terrestrial globe in the LITTLE TIME leading up to that tremendous, prophesied “END” is the worldwide, astounding ACCUMULATION by vast human populations of TEACHERS WHO WILL TEACH WHAT THE MASSES “WANT TO HEAR.” NOT what they NEED TO HEAR but WHAT THEY “WANT TO HEAR.”  

They “will find more and more TEACHERS who please them… meet their needs… tell them what they are itching to hear… tickle their own fancies… who approve of their lifestyles.” “…all kinds of new messages that will make them happy… something pleasing and gratifying… in accordance with their own lusts… desires …concupiscence.” “Something pleasing and gratifying” that will “cater to their passions.” They will “gather around them… heap up for themselves… bring in many… accumulate…  more and more TEACHERS.” “Concupiscence” means: “Strong desire, especially, sexual desire.”

They will not tolerate sound and wholesome instruction… good, healthy, true teaching… sound doctrine… and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into mythsalways learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.”

All of these striking phrases are taken from different translations of 2 Timothy 3:1-7 and 2 Timothy 4:3-4 of the Sacred Scriptures. Different but wonderfully complimentary.

They are prefaced by prophetical declarations identifying them as SIGNS. “But understand this, that in the LAST DAYS THERE WILL COME TIMES of DIFFICULTY. And: “For the TIME IS COMING when people will not…”

If my knowledge and perception of the world of which I am a citizen today are even close to accurate, these LAST DAYS,” these “TIMES of DIFFICULTY,” are surely upon us, upon the whole world. For I see HORDES of TEACHERS like those described in action all around the world, in all kinds of educational institutions. Even great numbers of government leaders and employees, politicians, civic leaders, religious leaders, industry administrators, business owners, etc., have turned into TEACHERS like those described, to one degree or another.

The Sacred Scriptures call these “DAYS” the “LITTLE WHILE. Not a few people call them the AGE of AQUARIUS or the “NEW AGE.There are also solid reasons to identify them as the “AGE of SENTIMENTALISM, or the “AGE of EMOTIONS. In contrast to an “AGE of TRUE KNOWLEDGE, REASON, and WISDOM. For confirmation of these observations on "AGES," you may enter these terms in AI platforms such as Gemini and Copilot.

Two Questions of Immediate Global Relevance
about Wars in the 21st Century

Question 1Before the appearance of Jesus Christ “a second time” (Hebrews 9:28), putting an end to the material universe and material time, ¿will there be more wars like that of the present Russia-Ukraine one?

Reply. Possibly. Some nations of today with an aggressive-bellicose character can be identified: Russia (bent on adding Ukraine to its hegemony), China (obsessed with taking Taiwan into its fold), North Korea (perhaps coveting South Korea), and Iran (apparently hoping to dominate its neighboring countries, particularly, Syria)—also, certain Arab nations in sporadic material, and physical conflict with the country of Israel.

​Question 2Will a Third World War take place just before the appearance of Jesus Christ 'a second time'?”

Reply. Negative! I would say that, most assuredly, such a global war will not take place in the designated timeframe of “just before the appearance of Jesus Christ a second time not to deal with sin.” On the contrary, in those days that immediately precede the Second Coming of Christ, the immense majority of earth’s inhabitants will be saying: Peace and Security. Thus affirm the Sacred Scriptures of Pure Christianity in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-7

Lamentably, that “Peace” will be the kindthe world gives. John 14:27. A peace that nations deceived by Satan negotiate among themselves as, driven by atheism, hedonism, social and cultural engineering, plus their hatred of the two witnesses (Revelation 11:7-10), they begin to march to "HARMAGEDON" to make war on God and those human beings unconditionally loyal to him according to norms of the Sacred New Testament Scriptures of the Spiritual Kingdom Not of this World. Revelation 16:12-16; John 18:36

"HARMAGEDON.A war that will not be carnal, with material weapons, but of fiery philosophical, psychological, and spiritual conflicts fanned by strongly differing social, moral, religious, and cultural agendas and convictions. We can be sure this is the right view of Harmagedon because, although fanatical, violent elements among the secular, worldly, sensual, unbelieving masses who attack God and his people, may physically wound and kill some of the true Christians, their victims will never rise against them with carnal weapons, for they do not wage “war according to the flesh. 2 Corinthians 10:3-6



If you want to begin following "the Living and True God," you "must BELIEVE that" he "IS REAL and rewards everyone who searches for him," though "he is actually not far from each one of us." Hebrews 11:6; Acts 17:26-28. That kind of true " comes by hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ," or by reading itRomans 10:16. Then, that true " working through love" (Galatians 5:6) impels the sincere believer to REPENT of his SINS. For the Living and True God no longer overlooks "the times of ignorance... but now he commands all people everywhere to REPENT."  Acts 17:30-31. Also, to CONFESS with" the "mouth that Jesus is Lord." Romans 10:9-13; Acts 8:37. And to "BE BAPTIZED... in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins." Without delay! Acts 2:38; 16:25-34; 22:16; Mark 16:15-16; Matthew 28:18-20. Indeed, "...there is salvation in no one else... no other name... by which we must be saved." Acts 4:12. This is THE WAY to Salvation and Eternal Life. When you take these necessary STEPS, Jesus Christ will add you to the CHURCH he established (Acts 2:47; Matthew 16:18), of which he is the only "Head" and "Savior." Ephesians 1:22-23; 5:23; Colossians 1:18-20

If there is a congregation of this church near you, you may go there and ask to be baptized. If there is not, you may contact an evangelist or congregation through the Internet, by telephone, E-mail, texting, etc., requesting assistance in obeying the gospel of Christ. Another option is to ask a family member or friend of good conduct to baptize you, and then proceed, personally, to teach Pure Christianity to others, baptizing them and forming a congregation, using the GUIDELINES in two documents on this site to accomplish what would be a glorious work worthy of highest praise. 

A spectacular photograph at late evening of the Milky Way over the Dolomites, Italy, with three texts highlighting the creative power and nature of the Divine Being superimposed.


Quantum Lightspeed Mega Computer User. The metaphorical, metaphysical concept of a Celestial Quantum Lightspeed Mega Computer used or not used by humans on Earth. Its vast Creation Encyclopedia and enormous Knowledge Base on all aspects of the material and spiritual universes, their inhabitants, histories, and projections for the future. A 2-minute read, 40-second read.

"An Idol is nothing in the world." About 10 minutes to read the study.

LIGHT is the Greatest, Most Powerful, Purest, and Most Beautiful SYMBOL of TRUE CHRISTIANITY. 7-minute read.

There are 17,000,000 Mormons all around the world in the 3rd decade of the 21st century. With statues of Moroni on the spires of many of their elegant temples. What about them? 4 minutes 30 seconds read.

154 articles, studies, slides, videos and short documents available as of today. 

648,410 Sessions from 21 May 2021 (beginning date) to 31 December 2024

This Site was begun on 21 May 2021 by Homer Dewayne Shappley, author and creator of approximately 2,600 HTML documents in Spanish and 149 in English. 25,957,015  sessions and 49,515,437 documents opened to 31 December 2024 in both languages on five sites maintained. 27,083,230 tracts, booklets, books, Bible course lessons, cassettes, and CDs produced to 31 March 2024.

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