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Christians and Their Interactions with the Secular-Material-Political Nations of the World.

Perspectives that may also be of value to “VOTERS” of other religions.

A photograph of several people, back view, in voting booths in the act of filling out their ballots.

The Sacred Scriptures of Pure Christianity say: Solid food is for the MATURE, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.” Hebrews 5:11-14

Thinking that this subject in the category of “Solid Food” might be of interest even to readers somewhat unskilled in the word of righteousness,” I have thought it best to offer it ONE “COURSE” at a time.

Two "Courses" brought out as of 19 September 2024. More on the way.

FIRST COURSE. Perspectives from "ABOVE, in the SPIRITUAL KINGDOM."

SECOND COURSE. Dual citizenship in two very different kingdoms.

A graphic of a white ballot box with the word Vote in luminescent blue and a ballot with a check mark protruding from the box.

The FIRST COURSE of “Solid food” on the “CHRISTIAN VOTE.
Also applicable to the “Religious Vote” in general.

Frist course

Perspectives from “ABOVE, in the SPIRITUAL KINGDOM”

A screenshot of a PowerPoint slide for the article on the “Christian Vote,” with an artistic flat map of the Earth and brief texts highlighting subjects of the article.

A warm greeting, particularly to all souls on planet Earth who identify themselves in one way or another as followers of Jesus Christ, of Nazareth. And a friendly “Hello” to all other inhabitants of this quite marvelous spaceship. I cordially invite you to patiently examine with me the delicate and almost always controversial topic of the “CHRISTIAN VOTE. Or, we can say the “RELIGIOUS VOTE,in general, worldwide, for the “PERSPECTIVES” developed may prove to be of some value to religious people of all kinds in their respective countries and circumstances.

Graphic below. Man and planet by Copilot AI. Composition on a deep space background by HDS.

An image of a man dressed in a suit sitting on a long strand of thick, white overlapping coils in starry space, while he thoughtfully contemplates planet Earth at a distance from him.

On this occasion, I respectfully address you from where I am presently here “ABOVE, in the KINGDOM of GOD and of CHRIST.” “ABOVE, meaning that in mind and spirit, I have taken this

position “ABOVE EARTH, transported here by my thoughts, reflections, contemplations, explorations of "kingdoms" of different kinds, spiritual analysis and reasoning. “ABOVE,” in “heavenly places in Christ,” where the Lord and Savior blesses his true followers “with every spiritual blessing.” Ephesians 1:3. ABOVE, in this blessed spiritual Kingdom that is “not of this world.John 18:36; Ephesians 5:5; Acts 8:12

If you also find yourself, in mind and spirit, in these heavenly places,then praise the Lord! If not, I encourage you to ascend as soon as possible, rising above the material spheres of secular-worldly-political nations, citizenships, cultures, and the milieu of manmade religions.

To be sure, I am not always “up here. Often, my physical body, with its physical-material needs, compels me to be “down there. Nevertheless, I prefer to be up here because this "Kingdom of Christ and God," also called a "HOLY NATION" (1 Peter 2:9), is incomparably superior to earthly nations and kingdoms. Respectfully, I encourage you to think seriously about these perspectives on the different kinds of “kingdoms” and “nations.” Which is most important to you?

Second Course

The "SECOND COURSE" of "Solid Food" on the subject of the "CHRISTIAN VOTE." Also applicable to the "RELIGIOUS VOTE" in general.

A graphic of a white ballot box with the word Vote in luminescent blue and a ballot with a check mark protruding from the box.
An image created by Copilot AI of a man sitting in space on a bed of thin undulating white and bluish green strands, with the upper half of planet Earth to his left, while he ponders the relationship of secular nations and kingdoms to a spiritual kingdom.

That is not really me "up there, above," with Earth over to my left, but an image Microsoft Copilot AI created following detailed instructions I gave the APP in an effort to illustrate my somewhat detached view of the planet from my privileged position in the Spiritual Kingdom of Christ and God.

DUAL Citizenship

Here, “ABOVE, “in heavenly places in Christ,” I have SPIRITUAL CITIZENSHIP in the Spiritual Kingdom, which is also incomparably superior to any earthly citizenship.

The apostle Paul refers to this extremely valuable, unique citizenship when he writes: “But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.” Philippians 3:20-21 NIV

That illustrious apostle Paul of the 1st century CE functioned as a spiritual citizen of God’s spiritual Kingdom by preaching the gospel of the kingdom (Acts 8:12), establishing and organizing congregations of Christians in various provinces of the Roman Empire.

Regarding his earthly socio-political status, Paul was a Roman citizen—a privilege that, during the first century of the Common Era, belonged inherently only to males of the free population of Italy and to those who inherited it by birth. Some men acquired it by buying it (Acts 22:22-29); others, as a reward for outstanding military service or other significant contributions to the Roman Empire.

A painting representing the apostle Paul about to be flogged by Roman soldiers who are suddenly warned that Paul is a Roman citizen by birth.

Now, it’s worth noting that the apostle Paul did not disdain his Roman citizenship; rather, he appealed to it and took advantage of it opportunely. On more than one occasion, he invoked it

to escape unjust treatment, including beatings and imprisonment. Acts 22:22-28; 23.26-30; 25:6-12, 21.

For instance, in Jerusalem, when the Roman tribune ordered Paul “to be brought into the barracks, saying that he should be examined by flogging.” Paul alerted the centurion also present that he was a “Roman citizen.” Upon verifying it, the centurion informed the tribune, who responded: “I bought this citizenship with a large sum.” To which Paul replied: “But I am a citizen by birth.” Acts 22:22-29. By asserting his Roman citizenship, Paul avoided being flogged.

Proceeding thus, the apostle Paul effectively established, with the Lord’s guidance, a wise and practical guideline for all Christians across all countries and times concerning the concept they should have, and any sincere, honest religious person should also have, of the duty to value and honor earthly citizenship, not abusing the benefits and privileges it offers. Meeting its requirements as long as these do not compel the true believer, in the context of Pure Christianity, to violate the precepts of God’s Sacred Writings as recorded in the New Testament of Jesus Christ.

This exception is dramatically highlighted by the reaction of the apostles when ordered by the Jewish Sanhedrin (a judicial and legislative court of 71 elders) “not to teach inthe “name” of Jesus. …the apostles answered, 'we must obey God rather than men'” (Acts 5:27-32), fearlessly repeating what they had said previously to the Jewish authorities, as related in Acts 4:19-20.

In the Roman Empire of the first century, there were different classes of Roman citizens. As a foreigner from the nation of Israel, which came under Roman rule in 63 BCE, Paul, though a Roman citizen “by birth,” was not allowed to vote or otherwise intervene in Roman government affairs. Similarly, the Roman tribune stationed in Jerusalem, having purchased his citizenship, was also ineligible to exercise such rights.

The "Third Course" of "Solid Food" on this subject is a little heavier. It is described as: The "Right to Vote" becomes complicated for True Christians. Coming up. You may want to eat it slowly so as to aid in spiritual digestion.

The following is a 3 minute 15 second read.

Detailed prophetical SIGNS on the END of TIME and the MATERIAL UNIVERSE are one of the principal reasons the Sacred Scriptures of Pure Christianity stand out above those of other major religions of the world.


A collage of forty teachers, men and women, sitting and standing, of different races and nationalities, composed by Copilot AI.


After much study and meditation, personally, I would say that one of the FIVE MOST  IMPORTANT END-TIME SIGNS of those that reveal what will be happening around the terrestrial globe in the LITTLE TIME leading up to that tremendous, prophesied “END” is the worldwide, astounding ACCUMULATION by vast human populations of TEACHERS WHO WILL TEACH WHAT THE MASSES “WANT TO HEAR.” NOT what they NEED TO HEAR but WHAT THEY “WANT TO HEAR.”  

They “will find more and more TEACHERS who please them… meet their needs… tell them what they are itching to hear… tickle their own fancies… who approve of their lifestyles.” “…all kinds of new messages that will make them happy… something pleasing and gratifying… in accordance with their own lusts… desires …concupiscence.” “Something pleasing and gratifying” that will “cater to their passions.” They will “gather around them… heap up for themselves… bring in many… accumulate…  more and more TEACHERS.” “Concupiscence” means: “Strong desire, especially, sexual desire.”

They will not tolerate sound and wholesome instruction… good, healthy, true teaching… sound doctrine… and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into mythsalways learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.”

All of these striking phrases are taken from different translations of 2 Timothy 3:1-7 and 2 Timothy 4:3-4 of the Sacred Scriptures. Different but wonderfully complimentary.

They are prefaced by prophetical declarations identifying them as SIGNS. “But understand this, that in the LAST DAYS THERE WILL COME TIMES of DIFFICULTY. And: “For the TIME IS COMING when people will not…”

If my knowledge and perception of the world of which I am a citizen today are even close to accurate, these LAST DAYS,” these “TIMES of DIFFICULTY,” are surely upon us, upon the whole world. For I see HORDES of TEACHERS like those described in action all around the world, in all kinds of educational institutions. Even great numbers of government leaders and employees, politicians, civic leaders, religious leaders, industry administrators, business owners, etc., have turned into TEACHERS like those described, to one degree or another.

The Sacred Scriptures call these “DAYS” the “LITTLE WHILE. Not a few people call them the AGE of AQUARIUS or the “NEW AGE.There are also solid reasons to identify them as the “AGE of SENTIMENTALISM, or the “AGE of EMOTIONS. In contrast to an “AGE of TRUE KNOWLEDGE, REASON, and WISDOM. For confirmation of these observations on "AGES," you may enter these terms in AI platforms such as Gemini and Copilot.

"An Idol is nothing in the world." About 10 minutes to read the study.

LIGHT is the Greatest, Most Powerful, Purest, and Most Beautiful SYMBOL of TRUE CHRISTIANITY.

There are 17,000,000 Mormons all around the world in the 3rd decade of the 21st century. With statues of Moroni on the spires of many of their elegant temples. What about them?

125 articles, studies, slides, videos and short documents available as of today. 

627,346 Sessions from 21 May 2021 (beginning date) to 31 August 2024. 

This Site was begun on 21 May 2021 by Homer Dewayne Shappley, author and creator of approximately 2,600 HTML documents in Spanish and 125 in English. 25,682,443  sessions and 48,878,691 documents opened to 31 August 2024 in both languages on five sites maintained. 27,083,230 tracts, booklets, books, Bible course lessons, cassettes, and CDs produced to 31 March 2024.

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