Great Truths and Relevant Prophecies for all
Nations and Peoples during this 21st Century

Its continued RELEVANCE
March 28, 2025
Peace Publishers LLC. Resources in fifteen categories for self-instruction, classes, sermons, and conferences. An original 21st Century Commentary on Revelation is being added. Site administrator and publisher in English and Spanish: Homer Dewayne Shappley, evangelist and author of 2,500-plus documents in both languages. Oversight: Cairo, Tennesse Church of Christ.
EDITORIAL LA PAZ para miles de temas en ESPAÑOL
Translate documents on this site using Google’s Gemini or Microsoft Copilot..


31 August 2024
Dear Friend, may this find you and your loved ones enjoying many blessings from Above.
My name is Homer Dewayne Shappley. This site is my first developed entirely on my own. Please pardon its shortcomings. I am continually striving to eliminate and improve the site. If the author of an article or study is not identified, then you may assume I am the author.
Though English is my native language, most of my writing has been in Spanish, the equivalent of several thousand letter-size pages now available in more than 2,500 URL documents on www.editoriallapaz.org. And before Spanish, a booklet and five-lesson Bible course in Papiamento, the dialect spoken in Aruba, Curacao, and Bonaire.
Through 31 August 2024, sessions (visits) registered to our four Spanish sites and to this one in English, which went live May 21, 2021, number 25,682,443, with 48,878,691
documents opened. This data is presented as part of my credentials for also publishing in English. While Spanish is the native tongue of about 320 million people in the world, approximately 1.2 billion people on planet Earth list English as their native tongue or second language.

As a part of my credentials, I will also add that as of March 31, 2024, we had produced 27,083,230 tracts, booklets, books, compact disks, cassettes, and Bible course lessons. Adding this number to the 48,878,691 Internet Documents opened by 31 August 2024 equals 75,961,921 evangelistic and edification instruments made available to the public. All the materials are Bible-related, through many delve into other fields of study such as current events on world stages, history (both religious and secular), philosophy, psychology, sociology, and archaeology, with the great majority being in Spanish. To the Lord all the glory and honor for allowing my family and me to carry on these works, made possible by the contributions of congregations and individuals who have seen fit to underwrite them. With rare exceptions, recipients receive the material free of charge.
Academically, I have an Associates Degree, with a concentration in Bible, from Freed-Hardeman College, now Freed-Hardeman University, in Henderson, Tennesse. Graduating Magna Cum Laude, as Salutatorian of a class of about 220 students.
From a practical standpoint, I taught, in Spanish, university-level courses for 23 consecutive years in the School of Advanced Biblical Studies of Churches of Christ in Puerto Rico, developing a substantial part of the courses. Two, Four, and Six Year Certificates were awarded to qualifying students, almost all of whom had at least a Bachelor's Degree in one or another field of study. Postgraduate studies, which I also taught for years, were offered to students who wanted to continue their studies beyond six years. In addition, I had the privilege of teaching in several less formal schools of ministerial preparation conducted for a few months at a time, had a weekly radio program for 30-plus years, taught thousands of classes in homes, public venues, and congregations, preached thousands of sermons in congregations and campaigns, presented scores of leadership conferences, and answered thousands of letters and e-mails requesting additional clarifications or challenging what was being taught. In seven countries and ten states of the USA. Mostly in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. Receiving 55,000 plus letters, cards, and telephone communications, plus tens of thousands of e-mails. Keeping meticulous records and recording almost 15,000 conversions and the establishment of 249 congregations throughout the Spanish-speaking world, all reported as brought about at least in part by the resources provided. Never ceasing to thank and praise God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son, giving them all the glory for the honor of thus serving them and their magnificent Cause. In these later years of my life, I am fully devoted to teaching on the Internet and printing tracts and other materials on a limited basis.
My purpose in publishing this site is not to build a personal following nor form some type of organization that I might govern or exploit. Rather, my overriding motivation is simply the sincere desire to share INFORMATION the reader may find valuable for the intelligent formation of a worthwhile WORLD-COSMOS-SPIRITUAL VIEW based on God the Father's own "view" and desire for all of us. Praying and hoping sincere souls may proceed to align themselves with his noble, loving purpose. For he "wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth." 1 Timothy 2:4
Many documents on this site are already in the "Dynamic" format, and my goal is to convert all static documents to that format. In its Dynamic configuration, the site now has the title: "Great Truths and Relevant Prophecies for All Nations and Peoples during this 21st Century."
The original URL, www.spiritofprophecies.com, is a reference to the affirmation in Revelation 19:10: "The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." Of what other “prophet” on the many stages of world history across the millenniums of humanity’s existence has ever such a statement been made? That the validity and power of his “testimony” would be, precisely, his “SPIRIT of PROPHECY!”
Simple, yet profound, this declaration contains four of the most important nouns in the English language. The name "Jesus." Then, connected directly with it: "Testimony," "spirit," and "prophecy." The statement is analyzed carefully in the article by the same name on this site.
Whatever you may know or not know, think or not think, about “Jesus,” there can be no denying the importance of his name around the globe of Earth today, for he has 2.22 billion followers or 31.5% of the entire population. Islam is second, with 1.5 billion, Hinduism, third, with 1.05 billion, and Buddhism, fourth, with 488 million. https://thecountriesof.com/largest-religions-in-the-world/#:~:text=1%20Christianity.%202%20Islam.%203,Hinduism.%204%20Buddhism.%205%20Sikhism.

Regarding the Bible, "Prophecy" is one of the major categories of subjects. It pulsates with "light that shines" in dark places of the mind, heart, and spirit, history too, civilizations, cultures, and nations. Not only for Christians but also in special, practical ways for the great multitudes of people around the globe who do not identify themselves as Christians. Its ongoing relevancy and fulfillment drive our efforts to make its powerful light shine as brightly as possible for the whole world.
2 Peter 1:19-21
"REVELATION: Its Ongoing Relevancy and Fulfillment," is a commentary with several hundred components to be added as time allows for translation from Spanish to English. The process is underway with 45 entries made as of 15 March 2024. Video clips and more graphics enhance the English edition.
Materials in other categories of spiritual knowledge are also offered as indicated by the links below the graphic and the name of this site in the heading of this Page.
"Born Anew," “…of the water and the Spirit.” God’s Plan of Salvation.
"New Family," i.e., "transferred to the kingdom of God; added to the church Christ built."
"Light for the Mind and spirit," i.e., "instructed, informed, educated, oriented."
"Healing and Comfort," i.e., "consoled, encouraged, motivated, advised, given hope."
"Caught Up," i.e., "carried away to spiritual realms, departed from the physical body, caught up."
“Additional Prophecies,” that is, in addition to the book of Revelation.
“Lifestyles and Conduct”
“Science, Evolution, Atheism, Creationism”
“12 Similar sites and resources”
My fervent desire is that every visitor to this site may find here at least some treasure for his or her mind-soul-spirit and that none will stumble on life's road, so as to even turn from the pursuit of the truth, because of any view, opinion, interpretation, or application presented by this writer.
Sincerely, Homer Dewayne Shappley

Spanish Internet Sites, Tracts, Books, and Videos

23,613,436 visits sites to June 30, 2022
44,581,465 documents opened
30,000,000+ tracts, booklets, books, Bible course lessons, cassettes, compact disks, videos, and related materials produced.
Text and Document Composition by the author Homer Dewayne Shappley. All rights reserved. The only restrictions on the use of this document are the sale of it in any format and proper identification of its origin.