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Short and Medium-length Documents on this Site for Limited Use Smartphones

Smartphone Level 1. One to four minutes.

3 to minutes. Is Your Baptism Valid before God?

4 minutes. The TIMES of the Gentile's rule over Jerusalem come to an END on June 6, 1967.  A long-range prophecy by Jesus of Nazareth was fulfilled 1,937 years after he made it. Five easy-to-read slides with graphics.

1 minute and 35 seconds“For God so loved the world.” Why does God love the whole world so much? You? Me? Everybody? You may wish to spend more time looking at and appreciating the two beautiful multielement graphics. Easy-to-read text.

4 minutesApproaching God in Search of Pardon, Honor, and Eternal Life.

Why mature, informed Christians should voteSix Courses of Solid Food on the Christian, politics, and citizenship in secular-earthly nations, applicable also to the religious of all categories.

"First Course." Perspectives from Above, in the Spiritual Kingdom. An image of a PowerPoint slide and an AI image highlight the brief text. A 3-minute read.

"Second Course." The Dual Citizenship of Christians: one in the heavenly Kingdom of God and the other in an earthly secular-political nation. The apostle Paul is a clasic example. A 3-minute, 40 second read.

"Third Course." A brief history of voting. In the 1960s, the Hippie movement begins to complicate the Right to Vote for the religious. In the 1980s and to the present, personal rights related to marriage, family, sexual identity, lifestyles, etc., echoing mentalities and practices of past times, further complicate voting for the religious. An 8-minute read.

Fourth Course. Candidates for public office in favor of or opposed to the Twelve Personal Rights seek the religious vote. Why the religious of all kinds who are informed, intelligent, and objective should vote. Uninformed, unintelligent, sentiment-driven votes are counterproductive. Passion governs, but it never governs well. A 9-minute read.

Fifth Course. Dilemmas and options the religious voter confronts. For which candidate, party, or platform should the religious person vote? Candidate A backs Twelve Human Rights several of which contravene divine norms. Candidate B opposes them but some of his agendas and character flaws are of serious concern. A vote for Platform B does not signify total, unconditional support for everything that its author represents, espouses, and does or does not do. A 5-minute read.

Sixth Course. Should Christian leaders and their memberships engage in politics in their congregations and other organizations? Politics: a worldly, secular, emotion-charged subject inappropriate for pulpits, Bible classrooms, and church offices. The angry Christian activist is not a true representative of the Spiritual Kingdom Not of this World. A 6-minute read.

Quantum Lightspeed Mega Computer User. The metaphorical, metaphysical concept of a Celestial Quantum Lightspeed Mega Computer used or not used by humans on Earth. Its vast Creation Encyclopedia and enormous Knowledge Base on all aspects of the material and spiritual universes, their inhabitants, histories, and projections for the future. A 2-minute read, 40-second read.

Smartphone Level 2. FIVE to TEN minutes.

4 minute, 30 seconds. There are 17,000,000 Mormons in the world in 2024. Following their very own, particular, chief prophets Mormon, Moroni, and Joseph Smith. Are they legitimate followers of Christ? Add internal LINKS as needed.

6 minutesTravels of the Soul-Spirit after the death of the physical body. 2 video clips and 3 graphics.

7 to 8 minutes. Ten Spiritual Truths You May Not Have Known. 3 videos clips and 2 graphics.

7 minutesLIGHT is the most powerful SYMBOL of true New Testament Christianity. Seven sources of this pure, beautiful spiritual light transmitted by true Christianity to the whole world by God the Father, Jesus Christ, and their faithful followers through the gospel of light and the laser lights of prophecy.

8 to 9 minutesI will come again.Jesus comes again, yes, ONLY AFTER the long centuries of the apostasy, the Lawless Man of Sin arises and rules, the Millennium transpires, and the “little while” runs its course. John 14:1-3, 28-29 and relevant texts. Are preachers and teachers of the Christian religion justified in pronouncing, as many of them do often and with great vigor, the following statement? “Jesus can come again any moment! Even on this very day! YES! RIGHT NOW!”

10 minutesAn idol is nothing in the world”  to the only “living and true God,say the authentic Sacred Writings of the New Testament of Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 8:4. Applicable to all idols, icons, sacred artifacts, paintings, relics, and places of all religions, Christianity too, on Earth. 


They just might change in a moment your perceptions regarding this Kingdom in its manifestation as the church on earth as planned by the Creator.
CLICK HERE to discover, and make your own, additional rich treasures of knowledge and understanding of this SPIRITUAL KINGDOM which is “the ETERNAL KINGDOM. The second portion of the document has much relevant information. 2 Peter 1:11; Daniel 7:14 y 27
This artistic creation is composed of a multicolored diamond, multicolored curtains, and texts in different colors, all on a background that shades from medium blue to black, an image for the subject A Multicolored Diamond of Invaluable Truths on the Kingdom of God.
An image of a brillante red sapphire on a purple background and to white robe with a purple stole of a priest illustrate the subject Brillant Sapphires Truths on Religious Priests of the world, with key phrases in different colors in concise texts on the same purple background.
Sapphire TRUTHS on Religious Priests
Do you admire a particular order of religious priests?
Bow before them and contribute to them? 
Do you know the glorious SPIRITUAL PRIESTHOOD
the living GOD has chosen? You can quickly see
its marvelous attributes in the following graphic.

A great and extremely valuable 
Apostle Peter and the Popehood

A large dark red ruby with flames around it is in the center of this multielement artistic creation on an abstract background in shades of purple and light red, and around this image are concise artistic texts about the apostle Peter and Popehood.

Are the Ukraine and Gaza Wars a SIGN of some kind?

A composite image on the Ukraine and Gaza Wars with photographs of tanks lined up for battle and a terrific explosion in Gaza with enormous smoke clouds billowing above building, with a graphic of a sheet of titanium as a background for images and relevant concise texts.

Whatever they may be, the TITANIUM TRUTH for TODAY is that the UNMISTAKABLE SIGN of the imminent END of TIME and the Material World will be when a worldwide claim is made to “PEACE and SECURITY” for all Earth's inhabitants. This prophecy is found in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-7.

“When they say, ‘There is PEACE and SECURITY,’ then sudden destruction will come upon them, as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and there will be no escape!”

TRUTHS for today: Strong, resistant, and valuable like titanium.

What international organization of the 21st century has as its LOGO the three wordsPEACE and SECURITY?” Answer: the UNITED NATIONS, with 186 member countries.

Could this be a clear and significant SIGN in the context of where the world is today on the TIMELINE projected for it?

Click here to read careful explanations and applications. Dear friend, correct and relevant KNOWLEDGE is GREAT POWER for vital aspects of our life on planet Earth and continued existence after the death of the physical body. Do you have the energy and patience to acquire it?

Here is a “DIAMOND TRUTH” that highlights a REWARD of a “SPIRITUAL WARFARE CATEGORY” that GOD promises to give to his SOLDIERS LOYAL to HIM UNTIL DEATH.

“To everyone who conquers and continues to do my works to the end, I will give authority over the nations; to rule them with an iron rod, as when clay pots are shattered, even as I also received authority from my Father. To the one who conquers, I will also give the morning star.” Revelation 2:26-28

Other relevant texts are...

Ephesians 6:10-20; 2 Corinthians 10:3-6; 2 Timothy 2:3-6; 4:6-8

In this composite image of art and texts, an exquisite, large diamond of different shades of purple rests on a surface of more or less the same colors in the lower part of the graphic, transitioning to a black background in the upper portion, with texts relative to the subject of Authority over the Nations above and below the diamond.
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