Great Truths and Relevant Prophecies for all
Nations and Peoples during this 21st Century

Its continued RELEVANCE
March 06, 2025
Peace Publishers LLC. Resources in fifteen categories for self-instruction, classes, sermons, and conferences. An original 21st Century Commentary on Revelation is being added. Site administrator and publisher in English and Spanish: Homer Dewayne Shappley, evangelist and author of 2,500-plus documents in both languages. Oversight: Cairo, Tennesse Church of Christ.
EDITORIAL LA PAZ para miles de temas en ESPAÑOL

An 8-minute read.
The "THIRD COURSE" of "Solid Food" on the subject of the "CHRISTIAN VOTE." Also applicable to the "RELIGIOUS VOTE" in general.

The “Right to Vote” becomes complicated for Christians true to the Sacred Writings of the New Testament of Jesus Christ

Well, here I am today, a Christian with dual citizenship, much like the Apostle Paul had in the first century. One is SPIRITUAL; the other, EARTHLY. My earthly political-social status is that of a citizen of a fundamentally secular-material-political country. A country that does grant me the “Right to Vote,” just like all other qualifying citizens.
Interestingly, according to my research (including AI), Christians did not have this “Right to Vote” from the time of the establishment in 29-30 CE of the original, spiritual church by Jesus Christ (Matthew 16:18; Acts 2:1-47) and the apostles selected personally by him (Ephesians 2:20-22), until approximately 1,730 years later, during the second half of the 18th century. Neither Christians nor the rest of the populace voted. During all those centuries, peoples were governed by kings, queens, pharaohs, Caesars, emperors, czars, chancellors, princes, prime ministers, etc., and their appointed officials.
The “original, spiritual church” to which reference is made is the one conceived “according to the eternal purpose” of God the Father. Ephesians 3:8-11. It is the earthly manifestation of the spiritual “Kingdom of Christ and God… a Holy Nation, a Royal Priesthood… not of this world, not from here.” Ephesians 5:5; 1 Peter 2:9; John 18:36. It is never in official, legal, military, social, or cultural alliance with any secular-material-political power whatsoever. Reiterating for the strongest possible emphasis: It “is NOT OF THIS WORLD… NOT FROM THE WORLD,” as Jesus explicitly explained to the Roman Consul Pontius Pilate. Therefore, the terms “Kingdom, Holy Nation, and Royal Priesthood” are to be understood only in the context of the SPIRITUAL KINGDOM-CHURCH of GOD, completely free of the worldly, material trappings of earth-bound powers.
In the latter half of the 18th century, some nations turned to “democracy,” (Rule by the People, from the Greek words “demos” for people and “kratos”, rule) as the desired form of government. Initially, voting was limited to specified segments of the populations (only men, only landowners, for example), then extended, over time, to more and more categories of citizens. With very rare exceptions (“Mormon-Christian polygamists in the USA,” for example), Christians of all churches, sects, movements, etc., were granted the “Right to Vote.”
Then, from the 1980s until the present, the “Right to Vote” has become much more complicated for Christians up in the Spiritual Kingdom “not of this world,” due to the legislations of numerous secular-political governments down there on planet Earth, including the United Nations and the European Union. These

Increasingly, secular-earthly courts began legislating in favor of practices and behaviors contrary to the laws of the New Testament that govern Jesus’ followers who, above, in the Spiritual Kingdom “not of this world,” maintain their uncompromising allegiance to their Spiritual King. For instance, on January 23, 1973, in the landmark case Roe versus Wade, the United States Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution of the United States generally protected the right of a woman to have an abortion. In June 2022, that decision was overruled by Supreme Court justices more recently appointed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roe_v._Wade. Since that date, the authority to regulate abortion rests with individual states. In 14 states, abortion is currently illegal. Copilot AI
Then, from the 1980s until the present, the “Right to Vote” has become much more complicated for Christians up in the Spiritual Kingdom “not of this world,” due to the legislations of numerous secular-political governments down there on planet Earth, including the United Nations and the European Union. These

governments have granted and actively, aggressively promote a plethora of “personal rights” related to marriage, family, sexual identity, lifestyles, and the treatment of alphabet individuals (LGBTQ and about 60 more combinations of letters) and their communities. Said rights effectively authorize and promote…
Living together in concubinage.
The practice of sexual promiscuity by just about anyone, including adolescents.
Engaging in fornication and adultery by all who wish to do it, be they married or unmarried.
Allowing divorce for married couples for any reason, excuse, or whim.
Procreating children outside of marriage.
Purposefully forming single-parent households, whether by a single mother or father.
Publicly identifying one’s sexual orientation as desired, even granting this right to children and teenagers.
Pursuing physical sex reassignment for those who wish to do so, including children.
Allowing same-sex marriage and adoption of children by homosexual couples.
Granting children and teenagers the authority to disobey their parents when it comes to these personal and sexual rights.
Publicly and officially celebrating the opinions, beliefs, decisions, and behaviors of the masses of individuals who support these rights.
Publicly denouncing businesses, corporations, churches, and all other types of organizations that do not publicly endorse these rights, boycotting those they can, even vandalizing and burning their facilities.
All these new modalities, norms, paradigms, and philosophies are aggressively promoted, even employing laws and stances taken by rulers, government agencies, administrators of organizations across all categories, teachers and professors, the entertainment industry, mega-corporations operating via the Internet, and more. They are promoted through massive advertising campaigns, public demonstrations from local to multinational and even global, as well as by floods of contributions by individual activists.
All of this is done under the catchy and immensely popular mantras of “universal tolerance, diversity, equality, and inclusion,” an atmosphere wherein every human being is encouraged to say and do whatever they wish to without any barriers or censorship whatsoever. Words that lose their natural sound value and beauty when squeed to cover glorified vices, conduct contrary to nature and common sense, and a generally vacuous, unproductive state of mind.
These rights and practices openly and defiantly contradict the moral-spiritual code of the Spiritual Kingdom-Nation-Church “not of this world.”

These kinds of “personal rights” deeply concern and alarm those of us who are in the Spiritual Kingdom because they echo the same mentalities and practices that led to the UTTER DEVASTATION of the HUMAN RACE, with the exception of Noah and his family, the GREAT FLOOD brought upon the earth
They also mirror the fierce DESTRUCTION, during the time of Lot and Abraham, of Sodom, Gomorrah, and the other cities of the plains on the west side of the Dead Sea when sulfur and fire rained down on them, all the valley, all the inhabitants and what grew on the ground. Genesis 9

Additionally, the rampant exercise of the free and far-ranging “personal rights” of this same category is unquestionably among the greatest SIGNS that portend the violent end of the last humans to occupy planet Earth, as well as of the entire material universe and material time itself. This, according to the explanations and prophecies
available to any person inclined to hear the words of the Sovereign Creator God. Indeed, they are heard and understood by those of us who are loyal citizens of his unmovable, eternal Spiritual Kingdom, infinitely superior to any secular nation or court.
Some relevant New Testament texts in support of these affirmations are Romans 1:18-32; 1 Corinthians 5:1; 6:9-11; Revelation 21:8; Luke 17:25-29; Revelation 11:1-14
Fourth Course. Candidates for public office in favor of or opposed to the Twelve Personal Rights seek the religious vote. Why the religious of all kinds who are informed, intelligent, and objective should vote. Uninformed, unintelligent, sentiment-driven votes are counterproductive. Passion governs, but it never governs well.
Text and Graphics by Homer Dewayne Shappley
All rights reserved
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