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VIDEO of: My dilemmas and options if I decide to vote. For which candidate, party, or platform should I vote?  The Fifth Course of the following subject.

Why mature, informed Christians should vote in 2024 elections

A quote from the "Fourth Courseof this document. "It is my studied opinion that Christians -not just any Christian but Christians who are loyal citizens of the Spiritual Kingdom Not of this World (John 18:36), truly faithful to its directives- absolutely SHOULD VOTE! For it seems to me that, given their ample, accurate knowledge of both the material-secular world and also of the TRUE SPIRITUAL WORLD as revealed in the Sacred Writings of the New Testament of Jesus Christ, they would be among the most likely to cast an “INTELLIGENT VOTE.

“Passion governs, but it never governs well. So said Benjamin Franklin in 1775.

Christians and Their Interactions with the Secular-Material-Political Nations of the World.

Perspectives that may also be of value to “VOTERS” of other religions.

A sign in green with two cross panels, one reading Politics, and the other, Religion.

Este estudio en ESPAÑOL.

The Sacred Scriptures of Pure Christianity say: Solid food is for the MATURE, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.” Hebrews 5:11-14

Thinking that this subject in the category of “Solid Food” might be of interest even to readers somewhat unskilled in the word of righteousness,” I have thought it best to offer it ONE “COURSE” at a time.

FIRST COURSE. Perspectives from "ABOVE planet Earth, in the SPIRITUAL CELESTIAL KINGDOM NOT of this WORLD." A 3-minute read.

SECOND COURSE. Dual citizenship in two very different kingdoms. A 3-minute, 40-second read.

THIRD COURSE. The "Right to Vote" becomes complicated for Christians true to the Sacred Writings of the New Testament of Jesus Christ. A 9-minute read.

FOURTH COURSE. They ask for our VOTE! To vote or not to vote. Opinions, stumblingblocks, and the INTELLIGENT VOTE. The UNINTELLIGENT VOTEA 9-minute, 40-second read.

FIFTH COURSE. My dilemmas and options if I decide to vote. For which candidate, party, or platform should I vote? A 5-minute read.

VIDEO of the Fifth Course

SIXTH COURSE. Should Christian leaders and their memberships engage in politics in their congregations and related organizations? Angry Christian voters! "Honor the Emperor.The conduct of the apostle Paul before Roman governors and King Agrippa. A 6-minute read.

A 3-minute read.

A graphic of a white ballot box with the word Vote in luminescent blue and a ballot with a check mark protruding from the box.

The FIRST COURSE of “Solid food” on the “CHRISTIAN VOTE.
Also applicable to the “Religious Vote” in general.

Perspectives from “ABOVE, in the SPIRITUAL KINGDOM”

A screenshot of a PowerPoint slide for the article on the “Christian Vote,” with an artistic flat map of the Earth and brief texts highlighting subjects of the article.

A warm greeting, particularly to all souls on planet Earth who identify themselves in one way or another as followers of Jesus Christ, of Nazareth. And a friendly “Hello” to all other inhabitants of this quite marvelous spaceship. I cordially invite you to patiently examine with me the delicate and almost always controversial topic of the “CHRISTIAN VOTE. Or, we can say the “RELIGIOUS VOTE,in general, worldwide, for the “PERSPECTIVES” developed may prove to be of some value to religious people of all kinds in their respective countries and circumstances.

Graphic below. Man and planet by Copilot AI. Composition on a deep space background by HDS.

An image of a man dressed in a suit sitting on a long strand of thick, white overlapping coils in starry space, while he thoughtfully contemplates planet Earth at a distance from him.

On this occasion, I respectfully address you from where I am presently here “ABOVE, in the KINGDOM of GOD and of CHRIST.” “ABOVE, meaning that in mind and spirit, I have taken this

position “ABOVE EARTH, transported here by my thoughts, reflections, contemplations, explorations of "kingdoms" of different kinds, spiritual analysis and reasoning. “ABOVE,” in “heavenly places in Christ,” where the Lord and Savior blesses his true followers “with every spiritual blessing.” Ephesians 1:3. ABOVE, in this blessed SPIRITUAL KINGDOM that is “not of this world.John 18:36; Ephesians 5:5; Acts 8:12

If you also find yourself, in mind and spirit, in these heavenly places,then praise be to the "Lord of Heaven and Earth!" Acts 17:24; Luke 10:21. If not, I encourage you to ascend as soon as possible, rising above the material spheres of secular-worldly-political nations, citizenships, cultures, and the milieu of manmade religions.

To be sure, I am not always “up here. Often, my physical body, with its physical-material needs, compels me to be “down there. Nevertheless, I prefer to be up here because this "Kingdom of Christ and God," also called a "HOLY NATION" (1 Peter 2:9), is incomparably superior to earthly nations and kingdoms. Respectfully, I encourage you to think seriously about these perspectives on the different kinds of “kingdoms” and “nations.” Which is most important to you?

Text and Graphics by Homer Dewayne Shappley

All rights reserved

Second Course. The Dual Citizenship of Christians: one in the heavenly Kingdom of God and the other in an earthly secular-political nation. The apostle Paul is a clasic example. A 3-minute, 40 second read.

CATEGORIES. This document is in the following.

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