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There are 17,000,000 Mormons all around the world in the 3rd decade of the 21st century. With statues of Moroni on the spires of many of their elegant temples.
What about them?

All of the 17,000,000 are followers of the man Joseph Smith, who, from his youth until his violent death at 39 years of age, acquired an ever-increasing fame as a ‘disorderly person and impostor.He was a plagiarizer of contemporary literary works. He authored fictions about religious and historical events that he proclaimed as realities and true facts in a book he published titled “The Book of Mormon.” He founded the Mormon Church, with the fictional prophets Mormon and Moroni as key players in the fantastical dramas on which it rests. He also

A photograph of a gold-toned statue of the prophet-angel Moroni of the Mormons standing on a golden globe on the spire of a Mormon temple and sounding a long trumpet.

established earthly-religious entities, such as the Autonomous Theocratic City of Nauvoo, Illinois, complete with its own bank, which failed quickly. Smith organized a religious army, the Nauvoo Legion, and fueled dangerous physical confrontations by threatening vengeance on his enemies, his ungodly rhetoric and actions causing the “Missouri Mormon War.” He was an unstable, turbulent religious-political leader so bold as to run for the presidency of the United States. A megalomaniacal religious leader, he claimed all sorts of authority and power, assuming numerous grandiose titles. And yes, he was a POLIGAMIST—with more than thirty wives! He met a violent death in jail when a mob of citizens, furious over his tyrannical aggression, immorality, hypocrisy, violations of civil codes and laws, and political and military ambitions, stormed the jail, killing both him and his brother Hyram.

How can one believe in and follow such a human being, honoring and glorifying him, and spreading his religious fictions throughout the entire world? Deceived, and deceiving uninformed, naive victims.

The COMMON SENSE of a well-informed and objective person dictates that such a human being would be worthy of nothing but UTTER REJECTION.

However, it seems that COMMON SENSE has been isolated, silenced, and killed among the 17,000,000 present-day Mormons when it comes to religious matters.

In them, we observe the phenomenon that affects multitudes of us humans, namely: while the MIND FUNCTIONS RATIONALLY in various areas of knowledge—for example, in the realms of science, secular jobs, and professions—achieving even very impressive feats, it DOES NOT FUNCTION in the SAME RATIONAL WAY in the domains of emotions, religion, moral conduct, and spirituality in general. It should, but it doesn’t. As a consequence of this very grave failure, planet Earth is populated by countless individuals sane, rational, and competent in secular-material matters, yet, paradoxically, bewildered, irrational, naive, superstitious, deceived, and ignorant when it comes to matters of religion and spirituality!

Graphics and texts by Homer Dewayne Shappley

All rights reserved

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