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2 minutes 40 seconds to read the following.

Do you register as a USER on the Quantum Light-speed Mega-Mega Celestial Computer?

An image created by Copilot AI to illustrate abstractly the immense power and lightspeed of the metaphorical concept of Celestial Lightspeed Mega-Mega Computation.

Do you think Artificial Intelligence's information base and speed, as on Copilot and Gemini, are mind-boggling?

An image created by Copilot AI, following specific instructions, to illustrate abstractly, albeit by means of material geometric and color elements, the immense power and speed of “Celestial Quantum Lightspeed Mega-Mega Computation” as a metaphorical, metaphysical concept.

An image of a room full of engineers and computers, with quantum particles revolving in a huge glass cylinder front and center, created by Copilot AI to illustrate the quantum supremacy researchers have achieved.

An image created by Copilot AI to illustrate the “quantum supremacy… researchers have achieved,” developing “industrial quantum computers, and… cloud-based quantum-computing services.” “QUANTUM. “In physics, units of matter and energy like electrons, photons, and other subatomic particles. Even space and time… have their own smallest possible values in the quantum world.” Copilot AI

Well, the database, speed, and REAL INTELLIGENCE of the Lightspeed Mega-Mega Celestial Computer are so far greater as to beg any comparison.

Do you appear as a USER on the Quantum Lightspeed Mega-Mega Celestial Computer? Accessing its vast “Creation Encyclopedia. Studying its marvelous, many-faceted, profound, brilliant, inspiring Sacred Writings. Their world, universe, time, and space

views. Their descriptions and critiques of living beings, both physical and spiritual. Their histories of those beings, descriptions of their roles today, and projections of future ones.

If you do, indeed, show up as an ACTIVE USER, how many “VISITS” have been registered to you? How many “Sessions?” How much “Time” have you spent on it?

How many “LIKES” have you given the Creator God and his son Jesus Christ?

If you, perchance, are not among the “USERS” of that Celestial Computer, when your physical body dies and you are brought, as a soul-spirit, before the Celestial Judge of judges, the information in that Computer says you will hear from him the words: “I NEVER KNEW YOU. DEPART FROM ME, YOU WORKERS OF LAWLESSNESS Matthew 7:23. Suffering, then, the “punishment of eternal destruction” in “utter darkness.Matthew 7:23; 2 Thessalonians 1:5-12; 2 Peter 2:17. Common Sensesays you would do well to take the simple STEPS necessary to avoid such a sad and irreversible outcome to your existence. That’s just exactly what the loving, merciful Creator God wants for you, me, and all human beings. He “desires ALL PEOPLE to be SAVED and to come to the KNOWLEDGE of the TRUTH.1 Timothy 2:3-6; John 3:16; 1 John 4:14

Text and Document Composition by the author Homer Dewayne Shappley. All rights reserved. May be copied and used with proper identification of its origin but not sold.

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Born Anew

Smartphone short to medium-length documents

Intelligence Knowledge and Wisdom

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