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Light for the Mind and Spirit 
that Grow through "Good Teaching"

Studies, articles, series, and slides for mental, spiritual, and ministerial growth through "good teaching." Some are adaptable for Bible classes and/or sermons. Contending, with gentleness and respect, for the faith and against atheism, Darwinian evolution, secularism, humanism, hedonism, and religious error.

1 Timothy 4:6, 16; Judas 1:3; 1 Peter 3:15; 4: 11

LIGHT is the most powerful SYMBOL of true New Testament Christianity. A 7-minute read on the sources of this pure, beautiful spiritual light transmitted by true Christianity to the whole world by God the Father, Jesus Christ, and their faithful followers through the gospel of light and the laser lights of prophecy.

Astonishing treasure of future rewards. Seven exquisite composite original graphics created in PowerPoint display by means of multiple graphics and concise texts the celestial rewards of a new, spiritual immortal body for all people who qualify, a new name, a new earth with new heavens, and the new City of God. Reasons for believing they are real rewards.

Why does God love the world so much? Two beautiful composite original graphics display both the text and seven images for this subject and are followed by the concise text in easy-to-read format.

An idol is nothing in the world”  to the only “living and true God,say the authentic Sacred Writings of the New Testament of Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 8:4. Applicable to all idols, icons, sacred artifacts, paintings, relics, and places of all religions, Christianity too, on Earth. About 10 minutes to read this study.

Why mature, informed Christians should vote. Six Courses of Solid Food on the Christian and politics, applicable also to the religious of all categories.

First Course. Perspectives from Above, in the Spiritual Kingdom. An image of a PowerPoint slide and an AI image highlight the brief text. A 3-minute read.

Second Course. The Dual Citizenship of Christians: one in the heavenly Kingdom of God and the other in an earthly secular-political nation. The apostle Paul is a classic example. A 3-minute, 40 second read.

Third Course. A brief history of voting. In the 1960s, the Hippie movement begins to complicate the Right to Vote for the religious. In the 1980s and to the present, personal rights related to marriage, family, sexual identity, lifestyles, etc., echoing mentalities and practices of past times, further complicate voting for the religious. An 8-minute read.

Fourth Course. Candidates for public office in favor of or opposed to the Twelve Personal Rights seek the religious vote. Why the religious of all kinds who are informed, intelligent, and objective should vote. Uninformed, unintelligent, sentiment-driven votes are counterproductive. Passion governs, but it never governs well.

Fifth Course. Dilemmas and options the religious voter confronts. For which candidate, party, or platform should the religious person vote? Candidate A backs Twelve Human Rights several of which contravene divine norms. Candidate B opposes them but some of his agendas and character flaws are of serious concern. A vote for Platform B does not signify total, unconditional support for everything that its author represents, espouses, and does or does not do.

Sixth Course. Should Christian leaders and their memberships engage in politics in their congregations and other organizations? Politics: a worldly, secular, emotion-charged subject inappropriate for pulpits, Bible classrooms, and church offices. The angry Christian activist is not a true representative of the Spiritual Kingdom Not of this World.

Problems with the Devil?

“Pure evil.But “God is in Control.” Is that really so? Twenty-nine school shootings in the USA alone since 2000. More in shopping centers and other public venues. Terrifying mass murder in Las Vegas.

God’s Rainbow Covenant Sign assures climatic and atmospheric stability

Benefits of Hurricanes, Floods, Tornados, Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Volcanos, and Other Phenomena of Nature

The British Approach to Faith Today: Indifference to Open Hostility. By Cal Thomas, syndicated columnist, author, and radio commentator.

Your life. Your body. Issues of personal rights and abortion.

Who Can Tell Me What Love Is? Truly, I would like to know.

Jews Today. Missing out? Seeing signs for which they are responsible but missing their meaning and eloquence.

True Justice only after Death!

Do You Know and Understand? Ten great facts many do not know.

Common Sense in Religion and Life

Conflict and War or Peace and Security. Which do you want? And I?

Children of Light, Let Us Keep the Darkness at Bay

God's Powerful ONE versus the Religious Plurals of Present-Day Christianity

The "Face of Pure Christianity." What does it look like to you? Roman Catholic cathedrals, shrines, and chapels?

Christians and Congregations in Coronavirus CRISIS MODE Around the World! The years 2020 and 2021 of the Christian Age.

Highly merited praise for elders and deacons who personally take of their spiritual sheep, especially during crises such as the Coronavirus Pandemic

“Desire, the Mainsail. “Duty,the Trusty Motor. Good Desires and Reliable Duty: A powerful combination!

Nimrod and his wife, Semiramis, found cities in Shinar and Assyria, including Babel and Nineveh. May have begun the construction of the Tower of Babel. Semiramis declares herself Rhea, meaning Mother of the Gods. Mother Goddess religions are followed by a third of today's world population, including some churches, particularly the Roman Catholic Church.

The day of the Lordwill come like “like a thief in the night.” Part 1. Will it come before or after the Millennium? The juxtaposition on the timeline between the Millennium and “the day of the Lord.” 2 Peter 3:10-14; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 5:1-7; Revelation 16:12-16

Part 2 of "The Day of the Lord will come like a thief in the Night." "LookI come like thief.Revelation 16:15. Bible texts in Part 2 which prove that the Millennium precedes the coming of "the day of the Lord like a thief." Revelation 6:21; 11:3-13; 14:14-16; 16:12-16; 19:11-22.

Bound or Free? "Bound to Moses’ Old Covenant or Free Under Christ’s New Covenant?" Of tithes, Sabbath keeping, unclean meats, holy days, priesthoods, the abolition of the Old Covenant, the institution of the New Covenant, the creed of the church, and related subjects.

Quantum Lightspeed Mega Computer User. The metaphorical, metaphysical concept of a Celestial Quantum Lightspeed Mega Computer used or not used by humans on Earth. Its vast Creation Encyclopedia and enormous Knowledge Base on all aspects of the material and spiritual universes, their inhabitants, histories, and projections for the future. A 2-minute read, 40-second read.

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